About Us
For nearly 100 years state law has required every municipality, every village, town, city, county to have a historian. Under the law, the duties of the historians are to research, write, teach and hold public presentations; preserve local history and to organize the celebration of historical events.
A local historian is of real value to the community. They act as a conduit of history to local governments and residents. Heritage tourism has become popular in many areas, which brings people to a municipality. Historic preservation can have direct benefits with adapting and reusing buildings. Municipal historian is potentially a very dynamic position.
Municipal historians are asked to perform research projects by governing bodies or individuals.

Our files contain numerous documents, journals, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks, along with numerous photos. We also keep records of local obituaries.
Currently, we are working on getting a historical marker for the former site of Jerdan Falls and hope to have final approval in time for our annual walking tour of the tannery site on May 2, 2020. Along with the historical maker we are in the process of making signs with photographs and name of building to be placed in the original location of each building. We have also scheduled a presentation on logging in the local area, which will be held in the Town of Croghan Municipal Building on Saturday, June 13, 2020, from 1 PM to 3 PM.
Due to the Covid-19 virus and social distancing, the above events have been canceled until further notice. We are still keeping busy with other projects. One such project is the making of slide presentations to show on our new TV that was so gracefully donated to us by the Northern Credit Union of Croghan.
Town of Croghan Historians
Historian: Laurie Halladay
Deputy Historian: Nick Montalbano
Our Sincere Thanks
Northern Credit Union for it's
Generous Donation!